Spotify Canvas Animation:
Xtramile by The Riffraff Project
An animation like this is $40 - $80 depending on revisions and communication
An animation like this is $40 - $80 depending on revisions and communication

Vibrant, Vivid, Saturated, High Energy, Paced with Track (Matches BPM), Diverse, Constant motion, Dance, Cheer, Perform, Challenge, Show, Static
The Riffraff Project - Xtramile
I created this Spotify Canvas Animation to:
I created this Spotify Canvas Animation to:
• match the high energy in the track
• match animation to the BPM (Beats per minute) speed of the song
• provide vibrant color and motion in the graphics
• create greater engagement
• visually convey the challenge present in the lyrics and vibe of the song
• match animation to the BPM (Beats per minute) speed of the song
• provide vibrant color and motion in the graphics
• create greater engagement
• visually convey the challenge present in the lyrics and vibe of the song
Use your mobile device to view it on Spotify HERE or scan the QR code
Once the song is open in Spotify on your mobile device, touch on the now playing bar at the bottom and then touch the screen again to view the full animation.
Do you need something like this? Contact me.
Do you need something like this? Contact me.
The GIF shown here is lower quality than the actual canvas animation on Spotify (1920x1080-HD), so that this page loads quickly even though it shows so many animations. View the full version on the actual track on Spotify when viewed with a mobile device.
Spotify Canvas Animation:
E2 by The Riffraff Project
An animation like this is $25 - $35 depending on revisions and communication
An animation like this is $25 - $35 depending on revisions and communication

The Riffraff Project - E2
I created this Spotify Canvas Animation to:
I created this Spotify Canvas Animation to:
• expand on album cover art concept (Planet sized speaker in orbit around Earth)
• create an analog warmth with the graphics with scanlines and steampunk elements.
• add value to the listening experience with constant motion in the visuals
• really show the volume level this track should be played at
Use your mobile device to view it on Spotify HERE or scan the QR code
Once the song is open in Spotify on your mobile device, touch on the now playing bar at the bottom and then touch the screen again to view the full animation.
Do you need something like this? Contact me.
Do you need something like this? Contact me.
The GIF shown here is lower quality than the actual canvas animation on Spotify (1920x1080-HD), so that this page loads quickly even though it shows so many animations. View the full version on the actual track on Spotify when viewed with a mobile device.
Spotify Canvas Animation:
C107Tap by The Riffraff Project
An animation like this is $35 - $55 depending on revisions and communication
An animation like this is $35 - $55 depending on revisions and communication

The Riffraff Project - C107Tap
I created this Spotify Canvas Animation to:
I created this Spotify Canvas Animation to:
• create variety but remain based on album art (Abstract audio board faders)
• create engaging interest (the 'fade' to the street seen has so many interesting elements)
• give a rich analog element with the vertical animated scanlines overlay
• keep a feeling of constant motion to compliment the audio track
• compliment the misty electronic mystery of the song
• create engaging interest (the 'fade' to the street seen has so many interesting elements)
• give a rich analog element with the vertical animated scanlines overlay
• keep a feeling of constant motion to compliment the audio track
• compliment the misty electronic mystery of the song
Use your mobile device to view it on Spotify HERE or scan the QR code
Once the song is open in Spotify on your mobile device, touch on the now playing bar at the bottom and then touch the screen again to view the full animation.
Do you need something like this? Contact me.
Do you need something like this? Contact me.
The GIF shown here is lower quality than the actual canvas animation on Spotify (1920x1080-HD), so that this page loads quickly even though it shows so many animations. View the full version on the actual track on Spotify when viewed with a mobile device.
Spotify Canvas Animation:
Sunwillcomebackout by The Riffraff Project
An animation like this is $45 - $95 depending on revisions and communication
An animation like this is $45 - $95 depending on revisions and communication

The Riffraff Project - Sunwillcomebackout
I created this Spotify Canvas Animation to:
I created this Spotify Canvas Animation to:
• Match the graphics to the vocoded lyrics on the track
• Create an environment in the animation that matches the song title
• Include children in the graphics like the sample in the beginning of the song
• Provide a warm, adventurous, elated, and wonderful visual vibe to match the song.
Use your mobile device to view it on Spotify HERE or scan the QR code
Once the song is open in Spotify on your mobile device, touch on the now playing bar at the bottom and then touch the screen again to view the full animation.
Do you need something like this? Contact me.
Do you need something like this? Contact me.
The GIF shown here is lower quality than the actual canvas animation on Spotify (1920x1080-HD), so that this page loads quickly even though it shows so many animations. View the full version on the actual track on Spotify when viewed with a mobile device.
Spotify Canvas Animation:
Mylifeisodd by The Riffraff Project
An animation like this is $65 - $99 depending on revisions and communication
An animation like this is $65 - $99 depending on revisions and communication

The Riffraff Project - Mylifeisodd
I created this Spotify Canvas Animation to:
I created this Spotify Canvas Animation to:
• Match the pace of the track's rhythm (Beats per minute)
• Stay contextual with the lyrics, line by line in graphic groups
• Show the transition from what isn't pleasing to what is (based on lyrics)
• Provide an entertaining, grungy, hype little vibe to match the song.
Use your mobile device to view it on Spotify HERE or scan the QR code
Once the song is open in Spotify on your mobile device, touch on the now playing bar at the bottom and then touch the screen again to view the full animation.
Do you need something like this? Contact me.
Do you need something like this? Contact me.
The GIF shown here is lower quality than the actual canvas animation on Spotify (1920x1080-HD), so that this page loads quickly even though it shows so many animations. View the full version on the actual track on Spotify when viewed with a mobile device.
Spotify Canvas Animation:
Jistofit by The Riffraff Project
An animation like this is $55 - $75 depending on revisions and communication
An animation like this is $55 - $75 depending on revisions and communication

The Riffraff Project - Jistofit
I created this Spotify Canvas Animation to:
I created this Spotify Canvas Animation to:
• Match the BPM (Beats per minute), or the song's speed.
• Match the main two instruments featured on the song, piano and turntables.
• Have both an old timey and new scratching feel, like the track.
• Make imagery with as much atmosphere as the song, and totally nailed it.
Use your mobile device to view it on Spotify HERE or scan the QR code
Once the song is open in Spotify on your mobile device, touch on the now playing bar at the bottom and then touch the screen again to view the full animation.
Do you need something like this? Contact me.
Do you need something like this? Contact me.
The GIF shown here is lower quality than the actual canvas animation on Spotify (1920x1080-HD), so that this page loads quickly even though it shows so many animations. View the full version on the actual track on Spotify when viewed with a mobile device.
Spotify Canvas Animation:
Oracle by The Riffraff Project
An animation like this is $55 - $85 depending on revisions and communication
An animation like this is $55 - $85 depending on revisions and communication

The Riffraff Project - Oracle
I created this Spotify Canvas Animation to:
I created this Spotify Canvas Animation to:
• line up with the climax at the end of the song. It's actually too hype for the opening half.
• show images of many people, from many walks of life "digging it", to match the words in the track
• create a fast moving animation with images flitting by at 1/16 note speed, on beat with the song's BPM.
• bring us all closer together with music and imagery.
Use your mobile device to view it on Spotify HERE or scan the QR code
Once the song is open in Spotify on your mobile device, touch on the now playing bar at the bottom and then touch the screen again to view the full animation.
Do you need something like this? Contact me.
Do you need something like this? Contact me.
The GIF shown here is lower quality than the actual canvas animation on Spotify (1920x1080-HD), so that this page loads quickly even though it shows so many animations. View the full version on the actual track on Spotify when viewed with a mobile device.
Spotify Canvas Animation:
Reboot by The Riffraff Project
An animation like this is $35 - $55 depending on revisions and communication
An animation like this is $35 - $55 depending on revisions and communication

The Riffraff Project - Reboot
I created this Spotify Canvas Animation to:
I created this Spotify Canvas Animation to:
• provide some interesting graphics to play while the song was playing
Use your mobile device to view it on Spotify HERE or scan the QR code
Once the song is open in Spotify on your mobile device, touch on the now playing bar at the bottom and then touch the screen again to view the full animation.
Do you need something like this? Contact me.
Do you need something like this? Contact me.
The GIF shown here is lower quality than the actual canvas animation on Spotify (1920x1080-HD), so that this page loads quickly even though it shows so many animations. View the full version on the actual track on Spotify when viewed with a mobile device.
Spotify Canvas Animation:
Curious Clearing by The Riffraff Project
An animation like this is $55 - $85 depending on revisions and communication
An animation like this is $55 - $85 depending on revisions and communication

The Riffraff Project - Curious Clearing
I created this Spotify Canvas Animation to:
I created this Spotify Canvas Animation to:
• lengthen engagement by creating entertaining graphics
• expand upon the concepts of the album art, improving brand recognition
• bring a classic vibe with both analog scanlines and retro speaker models
Use your mobile device to view it on Spotify HERE or scan the QR code
Once the song is open in Spotify on your mobile device, touch on the now playing bar at the bottom and then touch the screen again to view the full animation.
Do you need something like this? Contact me.
Do you need something like this? Contact me.
The GIF shown here is lower quality than the actual canvas animation on Spotify (1920x1080-HD), so that this page loads quickly even though it shows so many animations. View the full version on the actual track on Spotify when viewed with a mobile device.
Spotify Canvas Animation:
Ampersand's Modulus by The Riffraff Project
An animation like this is $35 - $55 depending on revisions and communication
An animation like this is $35 - $55 depending on revisions and communication

The Riffraff Project - Ampersand's Modulus
I created this Spotify Canvas Animation to:
I created this Spotify Canvas Animation to:
• expand upon the concepts of the album art, improving brand recognition.
• bring a mysterious sci-fi vibe to accent the vocoded vocals.
Use your mobile device to view it on Spotify HERE or scan the QR code
Once the song is open in Spotify on your mobile device, touch on the now playing bar at the bottom and then touch the screen again to view the full animation.
Do you need something like this? Contact me.
Do you need something like this? Contact me.
The GIF shown here is lower quality than the actual canvas animation on Spotify, so that this page loads quickly even though it shows so many animations. View the full version on the actual track on Spotify when viewed with a mobile device.
Spotify Canvas Animation:
"Karmasation" by The Riffraff Project
The Riffraff Project - Karmasation
I created this Spotify Canvas Animation to:
I created this Spotify Canvas Animation to:
• be contextual to the song lyrics
• use imagery that accented the vocal topics
• be on-beat with the track (even to 1/8th and 1/4 notes alternating)
• utilize fast paced transitions
• really bring something eye catching and engaging to the track.
• use imagery that accented the vocal topics
• be on-beat with the track (even to 1/8th and 1/4 notes alternating)
• utilize fast paced transitions
• really bring something eye catching and engaging to the track.
Use your mobile device to view it on Spotify HERE or scan the QR code
Once the song is open in Spotify on your mobile device, touch on the now playing bar at the bottom and then touch the screen again to view the full animation.
Do you need something like this? Contact me.
Do you need something like this? Contact me.
The GIF shown here is lower quality than the actual canvas animation on Spotify, so that this page loads quickly even though it shows so many animations. View the full version on the actual track on Spotify when viewed with a mobile device.